Santa Marta Bridge, Pontearnelas
Emergency shoring of the bottom chord of the bowstring deck after the sudden failure of several hangers connecting it to the arch (48 m of arch over deck with hangers every 3 m).
As it was impossible to install an end-to-end falsework system on the riverbed, nor a set of shoring trusses or beams under the deck supported by shoring towers resting on the banks, INCYE came up with a solution based on 6 individual heavy-duty Pipeshor props welded to the bottom chord of the deck. The props were anchored at their base near each abutment and on a rocky outcrop located approximately under the middle of the bottom chord.
In a second phase, taking advantage of another rocky outcrop, two more props were installed, one welded to the bottom chord on the upstream side (where the hanger failure had occurred) and one to the middle of the bottom chord of the deck on the downstream side.
Santa Marta Bridge, Pontearnelas -
Pontevedra, Spain